
SOFTWARE and Software solutions

IMA Dresden understands the challenges of data management and documenting information
through existing workflows in medium-sized and large companies.

Especially in the areas of research and development, simulation, evaluation, laboratory testing, quality
management, process development and production planning.

The software products of the family WIAM® offer companies a range of solutions which, based on standard
products and modules, can be extended to individual, customer-specific validation, evaluation and processing
options based on standard products and modules, as required.

We offer high-performance software for performing strength calculations according to the FKM guidelines
as well as for managing product, materials, testing and calculation data, standards, and much more.

In addition, at IMA Dresden we plan and implement customer-specific software projects with a professional
team of programmers, project managers and consultants.

On this page we inform you about the following IMA software products:


Our portfolio


Simulation and Strength Assessments

Read more

Material Testing for Plastics and Composite Materials

Read more


WIAM® fatigue RIFEST

Determine strength readings according to FKM guidelines

Read brochure    Example result printout


The software displays the guideline-compliant strength test results at verification points for non-welded and
welded components according to FKM Guidelines

The FKM Guidelines apply to machine components and was first developed in 1994 under the
management of IMA Dresden.

WIAM® fatigue RIFEST has been updated to the 7th edition of the FKM guideline with the update 3.0.0.
With this update, our customers will be able to work with the latest technology in the future.

Engineers and designers in a wide variety of fields benefit from the theoretical and practical knowledge of our
calculation engineers. Their know-how forms the basis of the methods and calculation algorithms
of WIAM® fatigue RIFEST:

  • Solid-shaped and sheet-form non-welded components
  • Welded components
  • Strength analysis for scattered stresses based on FEM calculations or strain measurements, for instance.

We offer training on the calculation program and the FKM guidelines at the customer’s premises,
at our Office in Dresden or as online seminar.

Purchase and rental options




Server license version

Static strength verification

Fatigue strength verification as permanent or operational strength

Verification on the basis of existing local elastic stresses
(e.g. FEA calculations or strain measurements)
Solid-shaped non-welded components (basic material)
Normal and increased
Flat-form welded components:
  • local nominal stresses/
    structural stresses
  • notch stresses
Rain-flow classification and
Collective determination
Extensive databasenon-welded machine
welded and non-welded machine components
material properties and weld seam component catalog (FAT classes)
welded and non-welded machine components
material properties and weld seam component catalog (FAT classes)
Report formsimplifiedExtensive presentation of resultsExtensive presentation of results
LanguageGerman or EnglishGerman and EnglishGerman and English



Server license version

Rental license floating

690.00 €

2,100.00 €

290.00 € firsth month
190.00 € each additional month

Purchase license floating

1,690.00 €5,300.00 €

Benefits server license version

  • External on-demand server
    • site-independent and worldwide use through an Internet access
    • more flexibility during usage
    • low IT effort
    • automatic software maintenance
    • constant availability
    • shorter, more flexible terms
    • cushioning of high loads

Available options

  • Floating licence
  • Maintenance, updates & program support from the 2nd year
  • Expert IMA advice on the FKM guidelines

Individual services

  • Possibility of customer-specific extensions /
    add-ons (e.g. document layouts)
  • Integration of customer-specific parameters
  • Customer-specific connection to the FE environment (extension to FE pre-/post-processors)
  • Standard licence model
  • Company licence model


FKM inside ANSYS

CADFEM ANSYS extension for strength verification in line
with FKM with materials database

Flyer CADFEM inside ANSYS Extension


FKM guideline-compliant strength verification for non-welded and welded components is now integrated into
the ANSYS workbench. This is made possible by the new WB/WIAM fatigue RIFEST.

The extension includes the following tools:

  • WB/FKM – full-surface guideline-compliant strength verification of non-welded solid components according to FKM
  • WB/FKM-Weld – Strength verification of weld seams for shell and solid structures according to FKM
  • WB/WIAM fatigue RIFEST – strength verification at verification points for non-welded and welded components according to FKM



Strength verification at verification points for non-welded and welded components
according to FKM, integrated into the ANSYS workbench

Integrated into ANSYS Workbench, the WB/WIAM fatigue RIFEST module to include different fatigue strength verifications in its component stress analysis. This includes operational and fatigue tests according to the FKM guidelines and the mapping of verification points for non-welded and welded components. The module facilitates fast and straightforward parameter studies, such as variation of material selection, weld seam notch selection or surface treatment, thus speeding up the verification process.

The most important functions of the module are:

  • Fatigue strength verification as permanent or operational strength, incl. the required static strength verification
  • Strength verification for individual verification points on the basis of existing local elastic stresses (e.g. from FEM calculations or strain measurements)
  • extensive database for welded and non-welded machine components: rolled steel, cast iron materials, aluminium materials, (incl. material properties)
  • standard and high temperatures

Further information on the CADFEMwebsite


WIAM® software supports companies in finding information,
managing data, linking knowledge and thereby promoting innovation!

Broschure WIAM® ICE


WIAM ICE – the software for managing materials and testing data, simulation & calculation data, data from the
standardisation process, and much more.

The structuring, processing and management of information helps to ensure expert technological know-how in the long term, streamline processes and thus increase quality and efficiency. The standard WIAM® ICE product promotes the flow of knowledge, simplifies areas of complexity and ensures added value and innovative strength. Having originated in the field of Material Sciences, the generic WIAM data model can now manage all kinds of knowledge and information.

With WIAM® ICE, you can record, research, link, visualise, compare and evaluate diverse data easily and clearly. Via a single sign-on and detailed user management, you also have the opportunity to manage data by user group and connect the software with other in-house systems such as ERP, CAD, PDM, etc., according to the respective user group.

With our solutions, companies can comply with internal, national and international standards and adhere to guidelines relating to documentation, traceability and retention obligations.

The key features of this software are its universal data model, range of presentation and evaluation options, interfaces and flexible data owners

We offer the following additional services:

  • Extension modules for:
    • Materials data & standards management
    • Test data management
    • Management of design parameters
    • Management of fibre composites and plastics
    • And lots more
  • Data management consulting and support for companies in process-intensive and regulatory industries
  • Integration and interfaces to ERP, PDM, CAE & CAD systems via APIs
  • Integration into company-specific IT security concepts
  • Instruction, training and workshops

For more information on all solutions, applications, references and services, see our product website: www.wiam.de