Trainings and Seminars to improve your strength and test performance
Straddling the fields of industry and research, our engineers build on knowledge that has grown through decades of extensive interdisciplinary practice and development. Theoretical or experimental proofs of strength are one of our core concerns. Demonstrating the reliability and safety of the material for the whole life of the component is a challenging task for computation engineers, designers and testers.
Benefit from our cross-industry expertise: in training sessions and seminars at your premises or at our offices, you will receive comprehensive specialist knowledge and concrete application recommendations
On this page you will find information about the following IMA training sessions:
- Aviation-specific courses for non-destructive testing (NDT)
- Background and Application of FKM Guideline
- FKM Guideline in Practice
Our portfolio
Aviation-specific non-destructive testing training courses
The NDT Training Centre holds training courses on non-destructive testing at its technology site in Dresden and is set to embark on a collaborative partnership with EFW Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH and IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH.
EFW Dresden is recognised by NANDTB Germany as a provider of NDT training and testing. It meets the requirements of EASA AMC 145.A.30(f).
Those attending the course will benefit from Applus+ IMA´s many years of experience in materials and testing, coupled with the EFW’s expertise in aircraft conversion, maintenance and lightweight design. Together with exciting insights into aircraft conversion and work with actual testing techniques, the training will cover the latest test procedures. The trainers have extensive experience and technical expertise in this area.
It is worth highlighting that aviation-related information is based on the materials plans of the NANDTB, while the training is focused on future-oriented topics: the requirements of a maintenance company and specific aspects of component testing, knowledge of materials and approval tests. Another plus is that new developments in aviation, such as manufacturing processes, materials and test methods, are continually being incorporated.
The Training Centre offers the following courses:
- ET1 Eddy current testing level 1
- ET2 Eddy current testing level 2
- UT1 Ultrasonic testing level 1
- UT2 Ultrasonic testing level 2
- PAUT Ultraschall Phases Array
The courses comply with DIN EN4179 and NAS 410, while the NDT training is accredited by NANDTB Germany and meets the EASA AMC 145.A.30(f) requirements.
Training Programme 2025
Dates | Training | Level |
13.01. – 21.01.2025 | Eddy current testing | 1 |
03.02. – 06.02.2025 | Ultrasonic testing // refresher | 2 |
03.03. – 06.03.2025 | Eddy current testing // refresher | 2 |
17.03. – 25.03.2025 | Ultrasonic testing | 1 |
07.04. – 11.04.2025 | PAUT | |
19.05. – 28.05.2025 | Ultrasonic testing | 2 |
16.06. – 24.06.2025 | Eddy current testing | 2 |
11.08. – 19.08.2025 | Eddy current testing | 1 |
25.08. – 28.08.2025 | Ultrasonic testing // refresher | 2 |
15.09. – 18.09.2025 | Eddy current testing // refresher | 2 |
22.09. – 26.09.2025 | PAUT | |
20.10. – 28.10.2025 | Ultrasonic testing | 1 |
05.11. – 14.11.2025 | Ultrasonic testing | 2 |
01.12. – 09.12.2025 | Eddy current testing | 2 |
Refresher and PAUT courses can also be offered in English. Please contact us.
NANDTB Accreditation Elbe Flugzeugwerke
Background and Application of FKM Guideline
The FKM guideline “Analytical strength assessment of machine components” applies to mechanical engineering and related fields of industry and allows analytical strength assessement based on nominal stresses and local elastic stresses, taking all of the relevant influences into account.
It is published by Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V. (FKM). As the guideline was issued under the leadership of IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, you can get first-hand information at our seminar.
The aim of the seminar is to impart the methodology and the background of the analytical strength assessment according to FKM guideline. Find out more about:
- the uniformly structured, analytical algorithm consisting of instructions, formulae, tables and diagrams
- the static strength assessment and fatigue strength assessment, the latter depending on stress-time characteristics with constant or variable amplitudes
- the scope of application for special alloys of the material groups steel, cast iron and aluminium alloys
- the application for welded and non-welded components
- the evaluation of nominal stresses and local, linear-elastically determined stresses from analytical calculations, finite element analysis or measurement
The structure of the training
1. Introduction to the FKM guideline
- Basic information on stress types and strength assessment
- Basic philosophy, scope of application, and structure of the FKM guideline
2. Static strength assessment for non-welded components
- Calculation of equivalent stresses
- Material properties and technological size factor
- Plasticizing reserve of the component
- Safety factors and degree of utilization
- Example
3. Fatigue strength assessment for non-welded components
- Characteristic stress values
- Material fatigue strength
- Consideration of component properties using the design factor
- Consideration of the mean-stress influence
- S-N-curve and variable-amplitude fatigue strength
- Safety factors and degree of utilization
- Example
4. Welded components
- Characteristic stress values
- Particularities in the static strength assessment: weld factor, softening factor
- Particularities in the fatigue assessment: fatigue classes, thickness factor, residual stresses, S-N curve
- Safety factors and degree of utilization
- Example
5. Procurement of input values for the strength verification
- Fatigue strength assessment: Processing of measured stresses via Rainflow counting and mean-stress evaluation
- Notes on the experimental determination of fatigue strength values
6. Individual training focal points
- special areas of application, materials, sector-specific regulations
Individual dates on request
The dates for 2025 will be announced soon.
For more information on possible dates and terms, please contact us. We will be glad to make you an offer suited for your needs.
Registration and contact
Dr.-Ing. Franz Ellmer Phone: +49 (0)351 8837-6319 |
FKM guideline in practice
The FKM guideline “Analytical strength assessment of machine components” applies to mechanical engineering and related fields of industry and allows analytical strength assessement based on nominal stresses and local elastic stresses, taking all of the relevant influences into account. It is published by Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V. (FKM). As the guideline was issued under the leadership of IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, you can get first-hand information on the methodology and the background of the analytical strength assessments as well as on the application and determination of input values in practice at our seminar.
In addition to the topics, which are also covered in our seminar “Background and Application of FKM Guideline”:
- the uniformly structured, analytical algorithm consisting of instructions, formulae, tables and diagrams
- the static strength assessment and fatigue strength assessment, the latter depending on stress-time characteristics with constant or variable amplitudes
- the scope of application for special alloys of the material groups steel, cast iron and aluminium alloys
- the application for welded and non-welded components
- the evaluation of nominal stresses and local, linear-elastically determined stresses from analytical calculations, finite element analysis or measurement
this seminar also covers the challenges:
- of modelling for the FE analysis,
- of determining input values for the assessments, and
- of interpretation of the assessment results.
Ansys Workbench is exemplarily used as finite element analysis software (no software training). The strength assessments are performed with the software WIAM®fatigue Rifest, which allows method assured strength assessments according to FKM guideline.
The structure of the one-day training
1. Introduction to the FKM guideline
- Basic information on stress types and strength assessment
- Basic philosophy, scope of application, and structure of the FKM guideline
2. Static strength assessment for non-welded components
- Calculation of equivalent stresses
- Material properties and technological size factor
- Plasticizing reserve of the component
- Safety factors and degree of utilization
3. Fatigue strength assessment for non-welded components
- Characteristic stress values
- Material fatigue strength
- Consideration of component properties using the design factor
- Consideration of the mean-stress influence
- S-N-curve and variable-amplitude fatigue strength
- Safety factors and degree of utilization
4. Welded components
- Characteristic stress values
- Particularities in the static strength assessment: weld factor, softening factor
- Particularities in the fatigue assessment: fatigue classes, thickness factor, residual stresses, S-N curve
- Safety factors and degree of utilization
- Example
5. Procurement of input values for strength assessment
- Fatigue strength assessment: Processing of measured stresses via Rainflow counting and mean-stress evaluation
- Notes on the experimental determination of fatigue strength values
6. Introduction to WIAM®fatigue Rifest
- Introduction and general overview
- Software content
- Classification of the software content
- Using individual material parameters
7. Difficulties with non-welded components
- Input parameters for the assessments
- Modelling for FE analysis
- Determination of necessary stress parameters
- Determination of stress gradients
- Determination of plastic notch factor applying FEM
- Strength assessment with Rifest
- Execution of static strength assessment and interpretation of results
- Execution of fatigue strength assessment and interpretation of results
8. Difficulties with welded components
- Input parameters for the assessments
- FE modelling for different concepts of stress values
- Nominal stress concept/structural stress concept
- Notch stress concept
- Effective stress concept
- Determination of necessary stress parameters
- Determination of plastic notch factor applying FEM
- FE modelling for different concepts of stress values
- Strength assessment with Rifest
- Execution of static strength assessment and interpretation of results
- Execution of fatigue strength assessment and interpretation of results
9. Determination of stress spectra based on measured data
- Determination of rainflow matrix
- Determination of stress spectrum
- Operational strength assessment
10. Discussion of customer examples
- Discussion of examples
Individual dates on request
The dates for 2025 will be announced soon.
For more information on possible dates and terms, please contact us. We will be glad to make you an offer suited for your needs.
Registration and contact
Dr.-Ing. Franz Ellmer Phone: +49 (0)351 8837-6319 |