NADCAP MTL - Successful reaccreditation and scope extension
After more than 2 years without on-site NADCAP MTL audit we are happy to announce that IMA Dresden has successfully passed the full scope reaccreditation audit.
The NADCAP accreditation is an important key to show our customers the fulfilment of special aerospace requirements.
Furthermore we extended our NADCAP MTL scope by microhardness testing.
Please check our new certificate and the extended scope for mechanical testing, metallography and microindentation:
(A1) Room Temperature Tensile Testing with Elastic (Young’s) Modulus
(CT) Compression Testing
(KR) K-R Curve (Resistance to Fracture) Testing
(O) Fatigue Testing (HCF)
(XE) Crack Propagation/Crack Growth Testing
(L0) Metallographic Evaluation
(L1) Microindentation (Interior)
(L5) Near Surface Examinations – Microindentation (Surface-Case Depth)
(L8) Near Surface Examinations – Alpha Case: Wrought Titanium
(L9) Near Surface Examinations – Alpha Case: Cast Titanium
(L11) Grain Size
(XL) Macro Examination
Many thanks to all IMA colleagues who helped to get this great result.