Meet us at the Dresden Machine Elements Colloquium on April 26 and 27
On April 26 and 27 we will be at the Dresden Machine Elements Colloquium. We are looking forward to news in the fields of machine elements and drive technology as well as sensor technology and artificial intelligence. Our colleagues Prof. Dr. Roland Rennert and Dr. Franz Ellmer will give presentations in the time slot at 3:15 pm on April 27:
Roland Rennert, together with Dr. Melanie Fiedler, IFKM of TU Dresden, will give an overview of current extensions and differences of the FKM guidelines “Computational strength analysis” and “Guideline nonlinear”.
Franz Ellmer will speak on behalf of our subsidiary SWM Struktur- und Werkstoffmechanikforschung gGmbH Dresden together with Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg on the following topic: The influence of overloads on the fatigue strength of metallic components.
We are looking forward to meeting you on site and getting to talk to you.
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