Green future with @CarE_Service_EU
Since 2018, we at IMA Dresden have been a partner in the @CarE_Service_EU project funded by the European Commission. The aim is to develop new and environmentally friendly car sharing and integrated mobility services.
The focus is on the future of European mobility and the associated improvement of citizens’ quality of life. But acceptance is not yet 100% guaranteed: There is uncertainty about the introduction of electric mobility and although the potential of car sharing is huge, it has been underused so far.
The project is now conducting a survey so that the social impact of the new mobility services can be assessed. Agents need the opinion of future users to determine the final design and implementation of the service.
So here is our request: If you care about sustainability and want to support us in the project, please take 15 minutes to complete the survey: CarE-Service survey
The project will run until the end of this year.
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