We have just received our new DAkkS accreditation certificate. We extended our scope with 9 new test methods and 26 updated editions of standard.
In particular we are very proud to now offer accredited wear testing of ankle joints (ISO 22622) and durability testing of patellar implants (ISO 14243-5).
These are our 9 new test methods:
ASTM F1672-14: Standard Specification for Resurfacing Patellar Prosthesis
ASTM F2777-16: Standard Test Method for Evaluating Knee Bearing (Tibial Insert) Endurance and Deformation Under High Flexion
ISO 14243-5:2019-05: Wear of total knee prostheses — Part 5: Durability performance of the patellofemoral joint
ISO 22622:2019-07: Wear of total ankle-joint prostheses
DIN EN ISO 14801:2017-03: Dynamic loading test for endosseous dental implants
4x ASTM methods for determining the strength of skin adhesives
ISO 14879-1:2020-07 (endurance properties of knee tibial trays), ASTM F1223-20 (Total Knee Replacement Constraint), ASTM F2009-20 (Axial Disassembly Force of Taper Connections), ASTM F2582-20 (Dynamic Impingement Of Hip Components), ASTM F1717-21 (Spinal Implant Constructs), ASTM F2345-21 (Static and Cyclic Fatigue Strength of Ceramic Heads)
We are happy to answer all your questions concerning these new methods and amended standards.
Further, our customers will receive a brand-new newsletter soon – including some more detailed information about our scope extension. Feel free to leave us a comment if you wish to receive the newsletter as well.